HiHat Management
Jan Sollesnes
Mail: jan[at]hihat.no
Bjørn Bunes
Mail: bjorn[at]hihat.no
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Remembrance - Brontë Dickinson in Dialouge
In the Country, Slettahjell & Reiersrud´s third album Remembrance is a unique feminist Norwegian music project rooted in the strong poets based on the three English Brontë sisters and American Emily Dickinson, who wrote poems on each continent nearly 200 years ago. Brontë and Dickinson had a huge production of high quality poems, often quite emotional, which still today hits home.
From each side of the Atlantic these authors points to each other in a quite supplementary way, which gives root to a beautiful and deep dialogue in the music. This dialogue transforms into a new dimension when two of Norway´s finest vocalists Solveig Slettahjell and Sidsel Endresen voices this grand project.
The band, who´s core is the piano trio In the Country, comprised of pianist and composer Morten Qvenild, bassist Roger Arntzen and drummer Pål Hausken, has since 2014 teamed up with vocalist Solveig Slettahjell and guitarist Knut Reiersrud, and released the same year their Norwegian grammy nominated live-debut-album Norwegian Woods on the German label ACT, which was recorded at Berlin Philharmonic hall at the concert series Jazz at the Philharmonic. The band has since their debut performed throughout Norway, in addition to festivals and concert halls in Finland, Germany, Austria and the US. They released their first studio album Trail of Souls in 2015, and ten years later - in January 2025 - they are finally releasing their grandiose album Remembrance, on the strong Norwegian label Jazzland. About the album we say - it´s a tribute to all daughters, mothers and women!
Samarbeidet mellom In the Country, Solveig Slettahjell og Knut Reiersrud er et musikalsk lykketreff. De kom sammen for en konsert i Berlinfilharmonien i 2014, noe som resulterte i det Spellemannsnominert live-albumet Norwegian Woods. Året etter kom studioalbumet Trail Of Souls og nå, endelig, kommer det en ny utgivelse: Remembrance. Her har Solveig Slettahjell gjort et utvalg i Emily og Charlotte Brontës og Emily Dickinsons dikt som Morten Qvenild har satt musikk til. Musikken er også spilt inn i Qvenilds studio Ugla Lyd over en periode på to år.
For nærmere 200 år diktet de tre engelske søstrene Emily, Charlotte og Anne Brontë og amerikanske Emily Dickinson på hver sin side av Atlanteren. Disse poetene regner vi nå blant historiens største diktere, men fordi de var kvinner ble deres store produksjon aldri utgitt under deres eget navn i deres levetid. Det har derfor vært sterkt å se hvordan de likevel vet om hverandre og i et av diktene også skriver om hverandre. Disse dikterne levde i en tid hvor livet var skjørt og sorgen et kjent følge for mange. Søstrene Brontë døde alle tidlig av det man tror var tuberkulose. Tekstene preges av erkjennelse og tap, men også av håp og livsvilje.
Låtskriver Morten Qvenild har satt disse tekstene i en vakker og dyp dialog med og i musikken. Denne dialogen inntar en dypere dimensjon når to av våre fremste vokalister, Solveig Slettahjell og Sidsel Endresen er stemmer i prosjektet. Qvenild har komponert jordede låter i et moderne uttrykk og har på finurlig vis koblet og kontrastert tekst og musikk. Med Reiersrud, Arntzen og Hausken på laget smis dette sammen til en helt særegen helhet, hvor musikken gjennomgående gjenspeiler en dyp forbindelse med de relasjonsbaserte tekstene til Brontë og Dickinson.
This is my letter to the World
That never wrote to Me−
The simple News that Nature told−
With tender Majesty
− Emily Dickinson
In the Country, Slettahjell og Reiersrud har siden oppstart spilt for utsolgte hus i både USA, Tyskland, Østerrike og ellers på norske festival og klubbscener. Med Remembrance blir det releasekonserter gjennom hele 2025.
Hi-res press photos
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Technical rider/stage plot
for Remembrance Release Tour 2025
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2025, January
Finally - the album Remembrane was released on Jaunary 17th, and great reviews are already appearing every day! We couldn't be more trhilled. We will post the reviews on this site soon as well! Meanwhile, enjoy!
2024, Desember
We just received the CD from pressing, and couldn´t be more excited. Vinyl is now on the march and the release is set to January 17th, 2025! See you on the other side!
2024, July
Mastering the album at Duper Studio by Jærgen Træen!
2024, January
Mixing the album at Ekkoko Studio by Bård Ingebrigtsen!
2023, November
Additional recordings to the Remembrance album, including lyrics reading by the fabulous Sidsel Endresen! Couldn't be more stoked!
2022, January
November 7-9 is recording time for our Remembrance project, with music by Morten Qvenild and lyrics from the great Brontë sisters and Emily Dickinson. Looking forward to this coming out on CD and vinyl!
2019, April
Trail Of Souls is performing at the Gala concert at Die Glocke in Bremen, during the Jazzahead.
2018, June
Trail of Souls had a great tour in the US, June 24-29, 2018, performing at Nordic Jazz Festival in Washington D.C, Rochester International Jazz Festival, NY, and at the Narrows Center for Performing Arts in Fall River, MA. Here is a review of the concert in Rocehster.
2017, June
Thanks to everyone who came to our concerts in Askim, Voss, Oslo, Trondheim, kopervik, Rennesøy, Ludwigsburg, Hamar, Bærum, Fredrikstad, Lillehammer, Øsrta and Tampere!
2016, February
Stavanger at Spor 5 tonight, sold out! Looking tremendously forward to see you all!
2016, January
Today Trail Of Souls kicks off the concert season, starting tonight at Drammen teater and Asker Kulturhus on January 24th. Asker has already sold out, so this is going to be great!
2015, November
Today is Trail Of Souls released in the German market, Looking very much forward to the German release concert at the Norwegian Embassy in Berlin on November 26th!
2015, November
Today is Trail Of Souls released in the Norwegian market, our studio album with Solveig Slettahjell, Knut Reiersrud and In the Country. We´re extremely happy about it! We are playing concerts in Horten on November 25th and Oslo on November 27th.
2015, April
Today In the Country is recording its next album, together with the great guitarist Knut Reiersrud and the fabulous singer Solveig Slettahjell in Rainbow Studio in Oslo, Norway. The album will be released on ACT in the autumn of 2015. Stay tuned!